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Forum » Internet » Zanimljivi sajtovi » Kako bi ste se zvali da ste vampir
Kako bi ste se zvali da ste vampir

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2 16

post # 61 | 02.12.2011 , 6:26 PM

jebac sa drine

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11 38

post # 62 | 04.12.2011 , 2:23 PM

Paul Drown

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8 42

post # 63 | 04.12.2011 , 2:40 PM

Paul Marlow

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234 2303

post # 64 | 04.12.2011 , 4:25 PM

Ne radi ni kod mene
a i nesto previse informacija trazi....samo sto ne trazi pin sa kartice i br,kartice.....
ili sam ja nesto pogresio.......

poruka na forumu
2 44

post # 65 | 04.12.2011 , 4:40 PM

Vladimir B)

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23 295

post # 66 | 13.01.2012 , 9:55 PM

Lord of Scandanavia

Sve mi je jasno sada kada je srce prazno!!!

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1181 12635

post # 67 | 13.01.2012 , 9:57 PM

Balo Green :)

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7 133

post # 68 | 08.02.2012 , 0:20 AM

Ethel Wolf :D

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37 72

post # 69 | 09.02.2012 , 9:48 PM

The Great Archives determine you
to have gone by the identity:
Mary Mare
Known in some parts of the world as:
Kiku of The Flesh
The Great Archives Record:
A sensual one who knows the flesh - and knows the blood.

poruka na forumu
54 303

post # 70 | 09.02.2012 , 9:58 PM

u17r4, meni isto :D

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0 15

post # 71 | 09.02.2012 , 10:09 PM

The Great Archives determine you
to have gone by the identity:
Will Keat
Known in some parts of the world as:
Hermes of The Curse
lol :D

poruka na forumu
673 4564

post # 72 | 09.02.2012 , 10:42 PM

White Devil :D :D :D

♥♥♥♥"Ne postoje ljepše riječi, a ni zvuk, od njegovog "Volim te"! ♥♥♥♥

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119 927

post # 73 | 09.02.2012 , 10:48 PM

Mary Drown
Known in some parts of the world as:
Venus of The Flesh
The Great Archives Record:
A sensual one who knows the flesh - and knows the blood. :)

Dođu, tako vremena, kada pametan zaćuti, budala progovori, a fukara se obogati.

poruka na forumu
42 212

post # 74 | 09.02.2012 , 10:52 PM

The Great Archives determine you
to have gone by the identity:
Elijah Beau Pre
Known in some parts of the world as:
Haunt of The Lost
The Great Archives Record:
A lonely one who guides the lost - but not to safety, to their doom.

nidzaa :D

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post # 75 | 09.02.2012 , 11:06 PM

bellla swon :)

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81 1657

post # 76 | 09.02.2012 , 11:10 PM

Vesh Flanders :D

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331 4273

post # 77 | 12.02.2012 , 9:29 AM

Petsha Brown

Svi brisu Sline samo Gareth Bale :)))

Matematika- Kao Kineski Film Bez Prevoda

Ni U Ovom,Ni U Budućem Svijetu,Za Real Madrid Navijati Neću!

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0 0

post # 78 | 15.02.2012 , 9:29 PM

The Great Archives determine you
to have gone by the identity:
Known in some parts of the world as:
The Great Archives Record:
Old and insane - the Nosferat are terrors of Eastern Europe.

Moze, 'ocu da budem Nosferatu...

poruka na forumu
180 1265

post # 79 | 15.02.2012 , 9:42 PM

Dozvolite da vam se predstavim... Aelfric Drown lol

Known in some parts of the world as:
Gawain of Bats and Shadows

The Great Archives Record:
Slipping amongst the shadows, flitting between dark places, always quiet.

Zajedno sa Leksi, nema me vise ovde, a vi znate ko je odgovoran za to. Hvala im, jer sam tako shvatio da: "Glupog coveka je nemoguce poraziti argumentima."
A vi cete se setiti one: "Kad izgubimo nesto, tek onda shvatimo koliko nam je to nesto ustvari znacilo."
P.S. You want a piece of me?! :)

I <3 Paris!
poruka na forumu
860 5850

post # 80 | 15.02.2012 , 10:29 PM

The Great Archives determine you
to have gone by the identity:
Sorceress of The Ghastly

Known in some parts of the world as:
Scourge of The Tormented

The Great Archives Record:
A soul in torment and tumult - hell of their own making! lol

Prokleto zao mi, sto talenat za ljubav Bog mi ne podari!

Forum » Internet » Zanimljivi sajtovi » Kako bi ste se zvali da ste vampir