My Father was always in a good spirits, he loved Football. It makes me a bit sad because if he could enjoy seeing me now, what I have achivet, that would be a hight in his life.
OSMEH SE NE PLACA A VREDI MNOGO On obogacuje one koji ga primaju, a ne osiromasuje one koji ga daju. Traje trenutak, al se vecno pamti. :) Niko nije toliko bogat da mu osmeh nije potreban, niti toliko siromasan, da ga ne moze dati. :) Osmeh je nezni znak prijateljstva, on odmar umornome dusu i vraca hrabrost obeshrabrenima. :) I ako nekad sretres nekog koji nije u stanj da ti se nasmesi kako ti to zasluzujes, budi velikodusan! :) NASMESI MU SE jer mu je OSMEH NAJPOTREBNIJI.
My Father was always in a good spirits, he loved Football. It makes me a bit sad because if he could enjoy seeing me now, what I have achivet, that would be a hight in his life.